Shady strategies

Asking for a raise can be tricky and nerve-racking. But don't worry, with the right approach, you'll be smooth sailing like a penguin on ice.

Welcome to Career Insider. Do you know the worst thing you could talk about at work? If you guessed politics, you’re right.

According to a Monster survey, almost 40% of people admit to discussing politics at work, which can backfire in many ways. Talking politics at work will alienate the people you work with and, in some cases, get you fired.

The best course of action? Steer clear of politics at the office.

How to ask for a raise (the smart way)

Asking for a raise can be tricky and nerve-racking. But don't worry, with the right approach, you'll be smooth sailing like a penguin on ice.

First things first, timing is key! Don't ask for a raise when your boss is juggling flaming torches or buried under a mountain of paperwork. Wait for a calm moment, like when they're sipping coffee or enjoying a snack.

Next up, prepare your case like a master detective solving a mystery. Highlight your achievements and contributions to the team. Remember, you're not just asking for more dough to buy fancier sandwiches; you're showing how you've added value to the company.

Lastly, approach the topic confidently without being arrogant. Be polite, smile like you just found a hidden stash of chocolate, and be ready for whatever response comes your way.

Whether it's a yes, a maybe, or a "let's talk about it later," you've taken the first step towards fattening your paycheck. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, nor is a salary negotiation.

Ready to go more in-depth? Here’s your ultimate guide.

Burning out will burn up your career

Avoiding burnout is like avoiding a sunburn – you need to employ some shady strategies! ← Okay, fine, bad joke.

Remember, you're not a superhero. Even Batman takes a break from saving Gotham. Learning to say 'no' when your plate is as full as a Thanksgiving feast is not a sign of weakness but a powerful tool to manage your workload and avoid burnout.

BTW, here’s how to spot burnout you don’t even know is there.

Second, mix things up like a smoothie. Monotony is the best friend of burnout. Spice up your routine like you're adding hot sauce to bland food. Try new things, meet new people, or explore new hobbies. It's like giving your brain a vacation without leaving your desk.

Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help. You're not in this alone unless you're the last person on Earth – in that case, carry on!

But seriously, whether it's your boss, colleagues, or that friend who always gives good advice, lean on them like a comfy pillow. Asking for help doesn't make you weak; it makes you smart.

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